I am BIO Podcast: Water Stress: Can We Avert a Looming Crisis? - Bio.News

I am BIO Podcast: Water Stress: Can We Avert a Looming Crisis?

The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) launched a new season of the I am BIO Podcast on March 22, 2022, with an episode for World Water Day.

Hosted by BIO President and CEO Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath, the episode explores the biggest threats to water – contamination, overuse, plastic pollution – and innovative biotech tools to address them.

You’ll hear from:

  • Ameen Razavi of Microvi Biotech, which is developing affordable biology-based tools for water purification
  • Dr. Joel Cuello of The University of Arizona, an expert in vertical farming
  • Scott Tuten of Danimer Scientific, which is developing completely biodegradable plastic alternatives

Click here to listen or get the episode via AppleGoogle, and Spotify—and be sure to subscribe to get notified about new episodes all spring!

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