Voters overwhelmingly support Accelerated Approval - Bio.News

Voters overwhelmingly support Accelerated Approval, says BIO/Morning Consult poll


According to recent polling data performed by Morning Consult on behalf of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), registered voters in five states strongly favor the Accelerated Approval pathway.

“Voters overwhelmingly support the pathway and are concerned with the Administration’s and Congress’ attempts to deny or limit patient access to new medical breakthroughs,” found the polling data.

BIO Morning Consult: Voters overwhelmingly support the Accelerated Approval Pathway


According to the Morning Consult survey of eligible voters in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania, 69–78% of those surveyed were concerned about Medicare’s recent move to restrict coverage of medications authorized through the route.

A majority of registered voters hold policymakers responsible for ensuring access to new medicines, says BIO and Morning Consult poll

The April decision by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to limit coverage of the Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm to patients enrolled in clinical trials not only dealt a blow to over 3 million Americans who are experiencing mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s but also to patients awaiting other innovative therapies and drugs, Bio.News reported.

Ahead of the upcoming midterm elections, most surveyed registered voters said they held their senators “very” or “somewhat” accountable for ensuring access to drugs and that they would be less likely to support them if they voted to make it more difficult for those with Medicare to obtain new medications.

Registered voters would be less likely to support policymakers who make it harder for people with Medicare to get new medicines, says BIO and Morning Consult poll.