Moderna targets 15 pathogens in its Global Public Health Strategy - Bio.News

Moderna targets 15 pathogens in its Global Public Health Strategy

Moderna mRNA vaccine vial

Moderna, Inc., a pioneer in the field of  messenger RNA (mRNA) medicines and vaccines, has revealed its global public health strategy, which includes four new programs focused on improving mRNA vaccines for infectious disease prevention.

The Cambridge, Mass., biotech firm, which produced one of the FDA approved vaccines against COVID-19, announced a commitment to work on vaccines targeting 15 diseases designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) as the greatest public health risks. Moderna said they would bring these new vaccines to clinical trials by 2025.

“At Moderna, we believe the world needs novel, innovative approaches to address both known and emerging infectious diseases and we know that we can’t go it alone. We are committed to bringing the full force of our mRNA vaccine platform to combat infectious diseases of public health concern and we look forward working with global partners to be part of the solution to prevent future pandemics and help millions of people around the world.” said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna.

Read the full announcement here.

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