BIO travels to Taipei to co-host BIO Asia-Taiwan - Bio.News

BIO travels to Taipei to co-host BIO Asia-Taiwan

BIO at BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024

Amidst Typhoon Gaemi, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) traveled to Taipei to co-host BIO Asia-Taiwan from July 26-30.

Luckily, the weather was no match for the enthusiasm of this year’s participants and, with a few strategic program adjustments, the conference was able to continue. It was a testament to global cooperation that makes the biotech industry so successful and unparalleled.

“We all know that our industry has global reach and implications,” said BIO President & CEO John F. Crowley during his video remarks for BIO Asia-Taiwan. “Data shows that biotechnology will continue to boom, particularly in East Asia. Taiwan BIO will help us lead this bio-revolution forward, supporting efforts to responsibly advance the treatments and innovations that we must bring to market.”

Like all BIO events, BIO Asia-Taiwan included educational sessions and discussions; a huge exhibition floor, showcasing the great innovations coming from Taiwanese and internationally; and BIO One-on-One Partnering, which saw a 70% increase in meetings from 2023.

“BIO’s partnering system is a cornerstone of BIO’s conferences,” said Mackensie Vernetti, BIO Vice President of Partnering. “Our system makes it easy to identify potential partners and request meetings with prospective biotech investors and senior business development executives attending the event, therefore helping to promote the global collaboration that keeps biotech at the forefront of innovation and technology. “

BIO at BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024
BIO One-on-One Partnering at BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024

Life-saving innovation through global collaboration

“As a father and biotech CEO, I witnessed firsthand Taiwan’s scientific progress,” said Crowley during his opening remarks. “Two of my children have Pompe disease, a rare neuromuscular condition. A Taiwanese scientist co-developed and invented the active ingredient in the novel therapy that my company created to fight Pompe. This treatment saved the lives of my children, and for that, I will always be grateful.”

Indeed it is through BIO’s global events, co-hosted by BIO partners, that the international biotech community continues to grease the wheels of innovation and regulation to both solve the healthcare problems of today (and tomorrow) and get medicines to patients faster and more efficiently.

“Moving forward, it is our responsibility to ensure that life-saving innovations reach patients in all corners of the world,” Crowley continued. “To do that, we must work with our friends and allies to protect every aspect of the drug development process. From funding early-stage research to reinforcing resilient supply chains and overcoming barriers to market access, we need to work together globally to ensure patients everywhere can benefit from our breakthroughs.”

Reflecting Crowley’s comment, the event hosted notable leaders in the biotech industry, as well as the global political landscape. Taiwan Vice President Hsiao Mei-chin was in attendance on the morning of the 28th and visited the BIO Asia–Taiwan 2024 Exhibition at the Nangang Exhibition Center. The vice president affirmed Taiwan’s strong biomedical industry and lauded the conference as an unparalleled opportunity to assist Taiwanese biotechnology companies and institutions to better connect with their international counterparts.

While attending the conference, the vice president presented awards to the winners of this year’s Taiwan BIO Awards:  Outstanding Company of the Year, Emerging Company of the Year, Startup of the Year, and Innovation of the Year.

This collaborative spirit was also evident through the educational sessions, which covered every topic from mRNA innovation to AI to biotech manufacturing trends.

“BIO greatly appreciates our partnership with Taiwan Bio on this event. Not only can we work together on educational seminars to help participants to stay up to date on the latest biotech news, breakthroughs, and challenges, we can connect leaders in different areas of the biotech industry with up-and-coming innovators to help solve today’s most pressing issues,” said Hilary Stiss, Director of BIO’s International Affairs.

As the world navigates big changes, whether it is weather, politics, or even the lightspeed progress of innovation, it is paramount that events like BIO Asia-Taiwan, as well as BIO’s other global events, continue in order to keep the conversation and collaboration going. Through biotech the world will move forward, and BIO’s global events keep through collaborative connections strong.

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